I am re-posting the list of references to Candy Goodwin's (and Linda
Hughes's) work that Chuck Goodwin submitted the other day, as the format
was not readable on all mailers. This is beginning to happen quite a lot:
this time the styled text happened to agree with my software, at other
times it is my turn to receive stuff garbled up with tags. We are still not
standardized in this matter, so here comes good old ASCII (with best wishes
from Eva)
Marjorie Harness Goodwin has done extensive analysis of children's play on
the street and in the playground that strongly contradicts Janet Lever's
Goodwin, Marjorie Harness (1985). The Serious Side of Jump Rope:
Conversational Practices and Social Organization in the Frame of Play.
_Journal of American Folklore_, 98, 315-330.
Goodwin, Marjorie Harness (1995). Co-Construction in Girls' Hopscotch.
_Research on Language and Social Interaction_, 28(3), 261-282.
Goodwin, Marjorie Harness (1994). Ay Chillona!: Stance-Taking in Girls' Hop
Scotch. In et. al. eds. Mary Bucholtz (Ed.) (pp. 232-241). Berkeley:
Berkeley Women and Language Group, Linguistics Department, UC-Berkeley.
Goodwin, Marjorie Harness (1998). Games of Stance: Conflict and Footing in
Hopscotch. In Susan Hoyle & Carolyn Temple Adger (Eds.), _Kids' Talk:
Strategic Language Use in Later Childhood_ (pp. 23-46). New York: Oxford
University Press.
Goodwin, Marjorie Harness (1999). Constructing Opposition within Girls'
Games. In Mary Bucholtz, A. C. Liang, & Laurel A. Sutton (Eds.),
_Reinventing Identities: From Category to Practice in Language and Gender
Research_ New York: Oxford University Press.
Goodwin, Marjorie Harness (in press). Gender and Language in Cross-Sex Jump
Rope: The Relevance of Longitudinal Studies. In Suzanne Wertheim, et al.
(Ed.) _Proceedings of the Fifth Berkeley Women and Language Conference
Berkeley: Berkeley Women and Language Group_
Goodwin, Marjorie Harness (in press). Morality and Accountability in Girls'
Play. In Anastasia Coles, Amanda Doran, & Nisha Merchant-Goss (Eds.),
_SALSA VII Proceedings_. Austin: University of Texas Press.
See also
Goodwin, Charles (in press). Action and Embodiment Within Situated Human
Interaction. Journal of Pragmatics.
See also Linda Hughes
Hughes, Linda (1988). "But That's not Really Mean": Competing in a
Cooperative Mode. _Sex Roles_, 19, 669-687.
Hughes, Linda (1993). "You Have to Do it with Style": Girls' Games and
Girls' Gaming. In S. T. Hollis, L. Pershing, & M. J. Young (Eds.),
_Feminist Theory and the Study of Folklore_ (pp. 130-148). Urbana:
University of Illinois Press.