Title: Marxism
Author: Thomas Sowell
Publisher: Blackstone
Marxism is a term that many people freely use, but few seem to grasp its
implications. Sowell's book is the antidote to this problem. He writes in=
fluid and easy-to-follow manner, leading the listener through the Marxian
scheme of ideas. Along the way, he shatters some existing interpretations
of Marx=97interpretations that have developed through repetition rather t=
through scholarship. The Los Angeles Times writes, "Sowell=85explains so =
that a traveler moving across the bumpy Marxian landscape for the first
time can have a safe trip, or a veteran intellectual in need of a refresh=
course also can be intrigued." The American Library Association calls the
book, "a compellingly readable expositon of Marx."
Nate Schmolze
schmolze who-is-at
People with great passions, people who accomplish great deeds,
People who possess strong feelings even people with great minds
and a strong personality, rarely come out of good little boys and girls
L.S. Vygotsky