sobbering statistics

Mike Cole (mcole who-is-at
Mon, 9 Aug 1999 08:58:33 -0700 (PDT)

Hi Eva-- And welcome back from offlinesville.

The statistics on participation by gender are continuingly sobbering
and an invitation to self reflection about the discourse style of
xmca and electronic discourse more generally.

It is not a uniform feature of participation, however. And here we
may get a hint about causes. When we sent out the invitiation for
reviewers of books, a high percentage of responses were from women.
A different pace and form of rhetorical control are involved.

Thanks very much for the info on Peg Syverson and Francoise Hermann's
writing. Coincidence that those doing the serious analysis of the
discourse are all women?

Perhaps Katherine and Vera's initiative for discussing connections
between chat and feminist theory will provide a venue for greater
participation by relatively silenced voices.

And perhaps Rachel's call for help will elicit some more inclusive
discussion. What a challenge she faces! I suspect that there is
some real expertise on the list for helping her orient, especially
once she knows what grade she is working with.

Time and xmca-ers agentic urgues will tell the tale!