Re: sociogen redux

Ellice A Forman (ellice+ who-is-at
Wed, 14 Jul 1999 09:16:10 -0400 (EDT)

Dear Mike and David,
I'm interested in pursuing this line of inquiry as well. Mike, please
provide the Human Development citations for me (us) as I've not been
keeping up with that discussion. Also, I've been trying myself to situate
people like Paul Cobb in this discussion because for me he's a moving
target (as Paul seems very willing to admit). A number of people on xmca
have cited Paul recent Educational Researcher article (another response to
Anderson, Simon & Reder and also Greeno) as showing how close he has come
to a CHAT perspective. I found the Ed Researcher piece situates Paul
differently than his chapter in David's book--cited here by Mike. There is
also an interesting critique of the limitations of Paul's perspective in
CHAT terms in the volume edited by Seeger, Voigt, and Waschescio, The
Culture of the Mathematics Classroom (in a chapter by Ute Waschescio).
(1998). Cambridge Press.

Cobb, P., & Bowers, J. (1999). Cognitive and situated learning
perspectives in theory and practice. Educational Researcher, 28 (2), 4-15.

Ellice Forman
University of Pittsburgh

On Tue, 13 Jul 1999, Mike Cole wrote:

> David-- Your message on sociogenesis came across my screen as my head
> was bent over p. 152 of Kirshner and Whitson on situated learning where
> Paul Cobb seems to be making the same kinds of distinctions and worry
> ing the same bone as you. Am I correct about that? If so, it might help
> everyone in the discussion if we scanned about a page of Cobb into
> the computer (is THAT legal?) as an alternative framing.
> Also relevant here is the entire set of discussions on internalization
> in Human Development and elsewhere involving Rogoff, Valsiner, Wertsch,
> etc.
> mike