Dear all,
I'm trying to think through questions of written discourse and
interdisciplinarity. I love Paul Prior's new book, Writing /
Disciplinarity: A Sociohistoric Account of Literate Activity in the
Academy, which takes an activity approach. But I wondered if any of you
know of other uses of activity theory to investigate disciplinarity /
interdisciplinarity, whether or not they take up discourse specifically.
Oh, reply on or off list, as you wish.
David R. Russell
English Department
Iowa State University
Ames, IA 50011 USA
(515) 294-4724
Fax (515) 294-6814
drrussel who-is-at
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Dear all,
I'm trying to think through questions of written discourse and
interdisciplinarity. I love Paul Prior's new book, <underline>Writing
/ Disciplinarity: A Sociohistoric Account of Literate Activity in the
Academy,</underline> which takes an activity approach. But I wondered
if any of you know of other uses of activity theory to investigate
disciplinarity / interdisciplinarity, whether or not they take up
discourse specifically.
Oh, reply on or off list, as you wish.
David R. Russell
English Department
Iowa State University
Ames, IA 50011 USA
(515) 294-4724
Fax (515) 294-6814
drrussel who-is-at