Re: RE: Application Principles and AT Analysis (UK folk)

Martin Owen (Martin_Owen who-is-at
Wed, 02 Jun 1999 13:26:05 +0100

>Also Bruce Robinson mentioned the fact
>that it would be good to get acquanted with people working on AT in the
>UK -perhaps we could develop some sort of support/collaboration
>mechanisms (despite electronic communication -because of it?- I too
>increasingly value meeting, sharing and discussing).

I am on the cusp of "computer science" and "education". With my education
hat on, we have a small group of academics who are developing a
relationship to apply socio-cultural appraoches to adressing issues in
education. That group contains at least one third of whom (5) would
describe themselves as people in the field of information and
communications technology.

I am hesitant to say we should form another list (although with it is easy enough to do), however there is no other clear
forum for a group to naturally coallesce (I was suprised by how many
triangles ( not to mention Finnish colleagues) I saw at the IEEE Hawaii
International Systems Science Conference in January).

