Re(2): Public and parochial Schools

Martin Owen (Martin_Owen who-is-at
Thu, 20 May 1999 15:42:54 +0100

I live in an area with a long tradition of non-segregated public schools.
Private schooling is rare. The schools around here seem to produce the
right mix of doctors, engineers, opera singers, fishermen, road crews and
lumpen poletariate needed by our society ( Convenient huh!).

However there are two "private schools". Their exam record is not
noticably better than the state schools. One is ostensibly a Roman
Catholic foundation, although the majority of its students are not RC.

The reason for wanting Catholic education around here is plain: it takes
place in English only. Some "white settlers" do not want their children to
learn Welsh.

The other school (also monoglot) provides good eduaction for those chidren
from moderately wealthy families who are not academically successful in
the large local secondary schools. They employ more than the normal number
of dyslexia specialists.

Interesting questions:
Is there a right not to have some of your education in Welsh? Is that
right only aavailable to those with money. ( BTW plenty of people seem to
flunk Welsh in the state system too!) In the least case scenario, Welsh
takes up 6% of curriculum time.

Are there similar reason for opting out of the state system elsewhere? (

Hwyl fawr
