Re: Krupskaya

MChavez100 who-is-at
Wed, 21 Apr 1999 15:36:27 EDT

Philip, Ricardo and others,
I too am saddened and concerned and I do believe that it will take teacher
action to get safe schools. I am not sure that we will ever be able to take
guns away and I do not believe that metal detectors and armed teachers will
create environments conducive to learning nor do I believe that we should
turn to home schooling. We need to examine our mental health policies and
services. This country actually had good mental health services at one time
but because of health insurance restrictions and the focus of the political
movement away from mental health the services in this country are very
lacking. Also we really need a leader to step forward someone that gives
some credibility to the students. We really don't have many good role models
in hero positions for these kids to look up to. Our leaders, our athletes,
people of status positions (doctors, lawyers, teachers CEO's), and the media
don't take their responsibility seriously. Maybe we should look at the
messages they are truly sending out. I know that my teenagers feel that the
message they receive (outside this home) and what they feel they need to know
is how to manipulate the system. I can't tell my kids that the parents of
the children in Littleton feel any different from the parents in Kosovo or
those parents in Sao Paulo who lose children to violent acts. I can't tell my
children that lying will get you out of trouble, that you can't hold a job or
get ahead if you use drugs or alcohol. They are not blind to the world around
them and I am too much of a realist. I deal with impaired doctors, lawyers,
teachers, actors, everyday and they are functioning in society and they are
not the exception anymore,
kids see this also and they react. ~~~Margaret~~~