nate (schmolze who-is-at
Wed, 7 Apr 1999 18:55:50 -0500

Once upon a time the idea surfaced of creating a list of resources -
websites, tools etc - for xcma newcomers and oldtimers alike. I
personally, as well as others I'm sure, would find such a list on feminism
to be a valuable asset to this list. If Phil is still working on this list
maybe sending url's to the list or him would be a way to gather a section
on femminist theory etc.

----- Original Message -----
From: Diane HODGES <dchodges who-is-at>
To: <xmca who-is-at>
Sent: Wednesday, April 07, 1999 5:11 AM
Subject: Re: 2ND THOUGHTS

> another excellent idea judy. thanks - i am fairly / adequately versed in
> psychoanalytic theory/feminism/queerisms and object/theory hybridizations
> re identity and interaction; desire and so on (eg., where paternalism is
> "desire" that needs to be opened more problematically) etc.
> yes. yes.
> diane - and i'd repeat here, [Phil Graham? - Jay Lemke? - Phillip Allen
> White? Mike Cole?...];
> and Others? that tits are _not_ a requirement. (not to name names or
> anything eh? ha ha)
> At 11:22 4/7/99, Judy Diamondstone wrote:
> >This is exciting! Literature might include feminist
> >[psychoanalytic] critiques of object-relations theory.
> >See: a collection edited by Teresa Brenan, "Between
> >feminism & psychonalysis" -- Personally, I find the
> >obsession with the subject unmitigated by issues of the
> >social via artifacts & institutions to be a bit tiresome;
> >on the other hand, AT uninformed by feminists' critique of
> >paternalistic discourse is unacceptable. What do you
> >think about this as a conversation topic, Katherine,
> >Diane, Vera?
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >At 09:31 AM 4/7/99 -0700, you wrote:
> >>Hey, diane, that's a great idea. It will be fun to see what's on
> >>lists and in their minds. Maybe we could give the ref and title, and
> >>what the big ideas are in the paper, and then when we get a big pile,
> >>we could try to organize them thematically. This would be fun
> >>I think...and a web page would be really valuable I think.
> >>KB
> >>
> >>
> >
> >
> >Judith Diamondstone (732) 932-7496 Ext. 352
> >Graduate School of Education
> >Rutgers, the State University of New Jersey
> >10 Seminary Place
> >New Brunswick, NJ 08901-1183
> >
> >Eternity is in love with the productions of time - Wm Blake
> When she walks,
> the revolution's coming.
> In her hips, there's revolution.
> When she talks, I hear revolution.
> In her kiss, I taste the revolution.
> (poem by Kathleen Hanna: Riot Grrl)
> ******************************************
> diane celia hodges
> university of british columbia
> centre for the study of curriculum and knowledge
> vancouver, british columbia, canada