Re(2): Beyond resistance, part 2

Katherine Goff (Katherine_Goff who-is-at
Wed, 31 Mar 1999 15:49:51 -0700

xmca who-is-at writes:
>About a year ago I decided that I would no longer read books or articles
>written by straight white male university-based authors. Sometimes I
>what would happen on xmca if, for one month, we all "chose" not to discuss
>their work, or to position our words within their specific arguments.
>So often I just can't respond to messages because they are located within
>web of discoursing where I just don't find myself any longer.
>Now is this "resistance" or "reproduction" or "who gives a ****?"

after i read a few critiques of vision as a metaphor for scientific
knowing, i decided to write several papers expunging every visually based
word. the papers may not have been very successful products (although the
members of my dissertation committee liked them), but the exercise was
extremely valuable in that it required that i pay attention to how the
language of vision filters my thinking, especially as a safely distant

trying to say what we think we mean without recourse to the traditional
tools of authority might generate new understandings (almost wrote
insights there!) about how meanings are constructed.


start all over.
start all over.
we need to make new symbols,
make new signs,
make a new language,
with these we'll redefine the world
and start all over.
^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^tracy chapman:new beginning
Katherine_Goff who-is-at