Re: Beyond resistance, part 2

Mary Bryson (brys who-is-at
Wed, 31 Mar 1999 10:10:04 -0700

About a year ago I decided that I would no longer read books or articles
written by straight white male university-based authors. Sometimes I wonder
what would happen on xmca if, for one month, we all "chose" not to discuss
their work, or to position our words within their specific arguments.
So often I just can't respond to messages because they are located within a
web of discoursing where I just don't find myself any longer.

Now is this "resistance" or "reproduction" or "who gives a ****?"

ps. I made an exception for "Mind as Action" - mea cupla mea culpa....

Mary Bryson, Associate Professor and UBC Scholar 98/99,
Faculty of Education, UBC
Principal Co-Investigator: GenTech Project Research WWWsite Netscape Composer Tutorial Instructional
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