Re: vygotsky and contextualism

maria judith sucupira costa lins (costlins who-is-at
Fri, 26 Mar 1999 18:11:21 -0300

Martin, thank you, maria

Martin Owen escreveu:

> Maria writes:
> >as I can understand what Martin said, it is usual to read in a language
> >and speak
> >in an other. I do this very often to my students, when I have an
> >important paper
> >in English or French, I read directly in Portuguese to them, and this is
> >not so
> >difficult. Other professors do this also.
> I think it more than that Maria. It is quuite normal for me in a bilingual
> context to read in one language and speak in another, however in both
> languages I have learned to read those languages and somewhere along the
> way I have also learned to understand in both languages (ie I don't
> translate when I normally read one of my two"native" languages... unlike
> when I read Spanish).
> For the Somali news reader, apparently the written from is English. There
> was never any written Somali to acquire from... hence there are some
> interesting questions about the acquisistion of "reading" Somali.
> As I intimated in my original posting, I am quite ignorant as to the
> complete picture
> M.