Re: vygotsky and contextualism

Phil Graham (pw.graham who-is-at
Mon, 22 Mar 1999 02:54:01 +1000

At 06:48 21-03-99 -0700, you wrote:
>This ban on use of context is part of what I'm calling the pedagogy of
>the absurd. NAtionally and in each state in the US laws are being passed
>mandating a narrow decontextualized phonics curriculum.
>Ken Goodman

I'm presently re-reading Huxley's "Brave New World" (as you may have
gathered from a recent post). The widely propagated absurdities, slogans,
jingles, nonsensical nonsequiturs, which we informationalised peoples are
subjected to, and the underpinning rationale of "Our Ford's" legacy and its
manifestations bear striking similarities to each other.

all wierded out

Phil Graham
p.graham who-is-at
"Another damned fat book, eh, Mr Gibbon? Scribble, scribble, scribble, eh,
Mr Gibbon?" - The Duke of Gloucester to Edward Gibbon upon the publication
of "Decline and Fall".