Re: Re(2): the evolving triad

Judy Diamondstone (diamonju who-is-at
29 Dec 1998 20:11:04 -0000

Kathie, Eva, Everyone,

I'm sorry that I missed the triangle discussion with Arne [for any
newcomers, I'm not sure when it happened, but Eva has the discussion
posted on memorial pages for Arne Raithel accessible from her
website], and I'm sure nothing better in the way of discussion is possible.
But I do think there are plenty of questions when th CH and AT
traditions are brought to bear on one another. Jay's presentations of
categorial and quantitative modelling & eco-social theorizing move us
forward. But the questions that Kathie (I believe), I, and others
are groping with, for our various reasons, are hardly formulated.
These are questions about how to describe (both synoptically and
dynamically, of course) actitivities (that are both material
and semiotic, of course) in ways that include us, the individual actor,
(I'm not willing yet to say 'actant' here) the one who does, makes, plays,
resists, deliberates, desires within the potential to do
so that is peculiar to one tiny dot of consciousness under the particular
conditions of that moment....

So I am still ready for a discussion of the subject of activity.


>this makes sense to me (i like it),
> and in answer to Judy's question,
>i wasn't aware of the history of the triangle (i assumed it was _the
>triangle_) nor the history of Vygotsky's mediated action triangle leading
>(as i assumed) or not to Leont'ev's activity systems triangle leading or
>not to Yrgo Engestrohm's triangle leading to . . . what?
>Bucky balls?
>start all over.
>start all over.
>we need to make new symbols,
>make new signs,
>make a new language,
>with these we'll redefine the world
>and start all over.
>^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^tracy chapman:new beginning
>Katherine_Goff who-is-at

Judith Diamondstone (732) 932-7496 Ext. 352
Graduate School of Education
Rutgers, the State University of New Jersey
10 Seminary Place
New Brunswick, NJ 08901-1183

Eternity is in love with the productions of time - Wm Blake