Vygotskyand Wertsch

nate (schmolze who-is-at students.wisc.edu)
Sun, 6 Sep 1998 17:39:57 -0500

Brian Cox said: Yes, I would certainly be keen to hear more on Vygotsky. I
don't have much of his
text yet, except for a couple of bits from Northernlight

Brian, I have a web page about Vygotsky at
http://www.geocities.com/Athens/9148/vygotsky.html that has portions of some
of his texts online.
The Historical Meaning of The Crisis in Psychology:
A Methodological Investigation
by Lev Vygotsky (1927)
Chapters 1-4, 12, & 13

Thought and Language
Chapter 7 Thought and Word

Thinking in Speech
Chapter 1 The Problem and the Approach

The original source for all three of these online versions of Vygotsky's
books come from http://werple.net.au/~andy/home.htm. On my website there
are also links to online versions of others work about Vygotsky. Also, Mind
in Action is still on special order and my experience with books that are on
special order at Amazon is they take about a month. I don't know if waiting
a week or so will be a solution to those who do not have the book yet. I
would be willing to scan Wertch's first chapter, which is only 17 pages if
that would help to give others a background of the book. If I remember
correctly the first chapter introduces the triad that John (the left rev)
discussed about a month ago. It might be helpful to also have someone like
John who has knowledge about Burke to lead the discussion for the first


schmolze who-is-at students.wisc.edu

People with great passions, people who accomplish great deeds,
People who possess strong feelings even people with great minds
and a strong personality, rarely come out of good little boys and girls
L.S. Vygotsky