Re: literacy assessment

Cindy O'Donnell-Allen (cindyoa who-is-at
Tue, 01 Sep 1998 16:09:54


Like Jay did when he finalized his syllabus with the research methodology
course, could you also post your final booklist to XMCA when you finish?



At 03:51 PM 8/28/98 -0400, you wrote:
>I've agreed to teach a graduate course next semester called something like
>Assessment in Secondary English/Language Arts. Although I've dealt
>implicitly with assessment before, I've never made it the primary
>consideration in a course I've taught. I'm putting together a working
>bibliography and hope that xmca-ers can help recommend titles. Not every
>book needs to be specifically about teaching secondary school English; I'm
>think of using Wells and Chang-Wells's Constructing Knowledge Together and
>Newman et al's The Construction Zone, for instance, as ways of laying a
>theoretical foundation for thinking about assessment. And so I'll simply
>ask at this point, could anyone recommend titles? As Jay's done with his
>research methods bibliography, I'll gladly post a bibliography when
>suggestions stop coming in. Feel free to respond on or off the xmca network.
>Peter Smagorinsky
>co-editor, Research in the Teaching of English
>University of Georgia, College of Education, Department of Language
>Education, 125 Aderhold Hall, Athens, GA 30602-7123
>internet: smago who-is-at fax: 706-542-4509
>campus office phone: 706-542-4507
Cindy O'Donnell-Allen
University of Oklahoma
College of Education
Dept. of Instructional Leadership & Academic Curriculum
820 Van Vleet Oval
Norman, OK 73019-0260