Kirshner and Whitson reviewed

dkirsh who-is-at
Mon, 20 Jul 1998 09:38:02 -0500

Thanks Mike.
As well, people might want to keep an eye out for the October
issue of ER in which Tony Whitson and I contrast Saussurean
semiotics with the Peircean variety in response to the situated
cognition debate involving Anderson, Reder, & Simon, and Greeno.
David Kirshner
---------------------- Forwarded by David H Kirshner/dkirsh/LSU on 07/20/98
09:36 AM ---------------------------

mcole who-is-at on 07/19/98 04:17:33 PM

To: xmca who-is-at
cc: (bcc: David H Kirshner/dkirsh/LSU)
Subject: Kirshner and Whitson reviewed

By coincidence, I re-found a review of Kirshner and Whitson's
"Situated cognition* by Don Cunningham and Kevin Clark. I
recommend it not only because David and (sometimes) Don are
on xmca, and its content is generally relevant to members of this
list, but also because of its particular indexing the relevance
of Pierce to our co-thinking, a relevance that Alfred Lang has
also helped keep before our wanderingly inattentive eyes.

The review appears in the May issue of Educational researcher. Vol 27, no 4
