Re: Memorial Day JK

Dr. PedroR. Portes (prport01 who-is-at
Sat, 30 May 1998 16:23:57 -0400

I thought a group
>devoted to the study of mind culture and activity would pick up those
>themes. I do not apologize, except that in being perhaps too cryptic I
>caused upset--though to be honest I have a reservation, there, too.

JK, I found your note to be a very useful and an interesting piece, I feel
like I have just met you for the 1st time. I know from experience the
experience of feeling tribulations (and fear of miscommunicating) on this
medium and it is that which I want to address next. But before then, let me
venture an observation, your effort to clarify takes courage just like
Naoki's note, took courage, to speak out, take a chance in public...

My sense is that the problem has been eloquently dealt with now (perhaps
not my place to say, but Naoki's
..but what "if"" that does not happen or is delayed? what a drag for those
involved, our ego hangs on these lines..),
I have a sense that all that whole animosity is now over. We are now left
with the "What have we learned ? Re. this whole thread...
Goldmine for Dialogical studies..
Well, what have I learned? That one takes a chance on being too cryptic, or
too explicit everytime one tries this medium. My paranoia is there as i
write usually, right before pressing that SEND button...
Yet, most of the time the threads don't blow up in spite of our cult/his.
differences, which is the good news, What is good news too is that like you
say, and others have chimed in, we study and reflect on those exchanges and
blow outs. (Note the natural offshoot of the recent interaction threads..)

The role of our "imaginary audience" (Elkind) as a mediator of how we
feel etc is to me amazing. Another study area for posterity,,
What is too cryptic and subject to misunderstanding for one person, is the
opposite for another, there is no remedy it seems.
Yet, I've learned that is the nature of the beast but still all one can do
is to write carefully but not to kill the spontaneous, write in good faith
and shy from being angry when writing on this medium, all passes.
Also, no to go into too many tangents at once.
And, that being frank is appreciated, that sincere efforts such as yours',

So much for my attempt at some closure,
I write because I know how those long silences go from experience in
feeling that sometimes self fabricated critical imaginary audience (and
this is one time where it is ok if the pattern persists).
Besides, a silence now could easily mean all is well , (if naoki agrees) and
some data is ready for analysis,



>This is perhaps too much about too little. I don't know where to start or
>where to stop. I don't expect expiation.

I never know either,
