However, what is the point of Martin and your claim ?
Did Matin attempt to show "physical deafness" is after all
"physical deafness" in any cultural prractices?
The deaf as "disable" in Martha's Vinyard was just the same
as the modern deaf as disable"?
How should I reflect? Should I belive "deprivation or deficit
The point of Ray and Herve' s paper is that deaf, LD and other
"physical" disable are not purely physical disable.
Their question is "when does a disable count, under what condition,
and in what ways, and for what reason?"
Any kind of physical disease is located in specific cultural
practices as well.
Some diseases that are not counted as a disease in one cultural
practice is counted as a disease in another cultural practice.
Further, maybe, the meaning of disease in 17th century was not
the same as the modern disease. For example, before the Pasteurization
of France(Latour, 1988), "microbe" was not part of network as
an actor in France.
Do you claim the thing like that any kind of physical disease has been
purely physical disease in any cultural practice and in any time
without technology, artifacts and scientific practice for making
diseases observable?
Finally, I still like to think the possibility of H.G. Wells' s
collected stories even though it is not so easy.
Actually, Adam as LD was not always visible.
In a classroom, Adam as LD was extremely visible and the situation
of him was miserable there. Is it impossible to change this kind of
>food for thought.
>Have a reflective Memorial Day (it's still May 31, btw).
This kind of message is extremely strange here.
Please advise me more kindly and concretely.
Naoki Ueno
NIER, Tokyo