Sawyer, R. K. (1997a). Review of Bonnie A. Nardi (Ed.), Context and
consciousness: Activity theory and human-computer interaction.
Philosophical Psychology, 10, 245-248.
At 09:20 PM 5/12/98, Eugene Matusov wrote:
>For example, what it means "Human-Computer Interaction"? I, as a
>lay person, would say that I never interact with a computer, like I do not
>interact with a fork or a spoon -- I just use them. When I say that I
>interact with a text or a book, I feel it is like a metaphor of saying that
>I interact with the author of the text or the book. The closest sense I can
>think of interaction is when I play chess with a computer. I may feel it as
>an opponent and not just conduit of designer's will. So, what do people in
>your area mean by "Human-Computer Interaction"?
R. Keith Sawyer
Assistant Professor
Department of Education
Washington University
Campus Box 1183
St. Louis, MO 63130