DICTIONARY OF EDUCATION PLUS(Pedagogical Language Usage Server)=20
=95 It is a usage-based dictionary of educational research terminology.=
=95 It is a bibliography of educational research terminology. Every
Defining Passage is linked to one or more citations.=20
=95 It is based on the language used by authors of 29 AERA affiliated
journals over a period of approximately three years (1993-95).=20
=95 It contains selections from articles where an author pauses to
explain to the reader how she or he is using a particular term.=20
=95 Terms used in a Defining Passage that are entries in the dictionary
are marked and serve as links to other parts of the dictionary.=20
=95 It is designed as a "pump-priming" initiative aimed at starting an
ever growing, open-ended, ever more up-to-date, democratic service.=20
Things you can do to participate in the further
development of the DICTIONARY OF EDUCATION
=95 Comment on a Defining Passage already in the system, providing
future users with what you consider to be valuable perspective on the way
one or more Terms
are treated in that Defining Passage.=20
=95 Suggest an additional valuable Defining Passage found in published
research literature for a Term already in the dictionary.=20
=95 Suggest a Term that is not yet in the system along with a useful
Defining Passage found in published literature.=20
=95 Communicate with us about ways to improve the educational research
Server or for creating additional Pedagogical Language Usage Servers.
The Editor of the PLUS is Fred Goodman and the Technical Editor is John
Miller, both of whom are at the School of Education, University of
Michigan. Email addresses are: fgoodman who-is-at umich.edu and jmillr@umich.edu=20