Eva's (pre-session) question

diane celia hodges (dchodges who-is-at interchg.ubc.ca)
Wed, 22 Apr 1998 16:55:04 -0700

At 10:43 AM 4/20/98, Eva Ekeblad wrote:

>And the whole thing (with notable input from Mary Bryson and Charles
>Bazerman) reminded me also that the question: Who are we doing this for?
>is even more important to ask.

I don't have a response to this - I wasn't there -

but I'd like to hear from those who were. It's a helluva good question.

"Every tool is a weapon if you hold it right." Ani Difranco
diane celia hodges
faculty of education, centre for the study of curriculum and
university of british columbia
vancouver, bc canada

snailmail: 3519 Hull Street
Vancouver, BC, Canada V5N 4R8