Thanks Phillip
for unpacking the Diversity terminology for me. Of course this happens all
the time and all over the place in those kinds of regulary documents in,
for example, education -- I should think that all xmca participants have
seen their own examples.
It was, however, very good to have this specific US example spelled out
here, so that the internationally distributed xmca collective can have at
least a bit of common grasp of the interiors of this "boundary object".
With this background, perhaps, we can go on towards a more substantial than
terminological discussion (Luiz et al?)
At 21.06 -0600 98-04-21, Phillip Allen White wrote:
> Moreover, the Diversity Coordinators have to demonstrate that
>there is a direct causal relationship between their jobs and student
>achievement. That because of diversity being implemented, that student
>achievement will raise. Students achievement is measured by state
>standardized achievement tests.
What a double bind -- dilemma -- contradiction!!!
Mike has a paragraph in his speech where he refers to the statement by Los
Angeles mayor Richard Riordan that the bilingual program of the state of
California was "an experiment that failed". The Diversity program that you
are describing, Phillip, sounds like more of the same: Organization for
failure. Playing for time.
Any counter-strategy must take these poltical language games into account.