Re: Introduction

Mon, 02 Mar 1998 10:02:24 -0500 (EST)

Aplogies for routing a more individually oriented message thru the
whole community's public forum. But I would like to connect with
Hilde, whose email address within this message bounced when I tried
to address her directly.

Hilde, your work in South Africa sounds of great interest to me and
several of my students, as does your present posting in Tanzania.

Are you aware of the upcoming African regional meeting of the ISSBD in Namibia?

I will post the announcement in my next message, since others on XMCA may be
glad of a reminder. Althought the deadline for abstracts is officially past,
I think late submissions, especially from within the African region would still
have a chance of receiving consideration.

Please let me know how to communicate directly with you, Hilde.

Robert Serpell Telephone: (410)455-2417
Psychology Department (410)455-2567
University of Maryland Baltimore County
1000 Hilltop Circle,
Baltimore, MD 21250 Fax: (410)455-1055
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My name is Hilde van Vlaenderen and I have recently joined the xmca.
I would to briefly introduce myself. I am a registered research
psychologist with particular interests in qualitative and
participatory research methodology; community development and
everyday cognition. I have recently submitted my doctoral thesis
which dealt with indigenous group problem solving strategies of South
African young community activists. The thesis involved the
development of a methodology appropriate for the study of everyday
cognition. For the last 7 years (up to end 1996) I lectured at Rhodes
university (South Africa). I gave courses on research methodology and
on Psychology in an African context. Besides my academic work I was
also involved in NGO work and consultancy work on participatory
community development. Currently I am residing in Tanzania for a
three year period. Since I have submitted my thesis I have been
writing up papers on my Phd topic and am getting involved in
consultancy work on community development. My aim is to combine
writing papers, doing some research on indigenous knowledge and doing
consultancy work for the coming two years. Possible collaborative
research would be very welcome

Hilde Van Vlaenderen