Re: cognition and engineers

Susan Leigh Star (s-star1 who-is-at
Mon, 16 Feb 1998 09:04:17 -0800 (PST)

Hi Doris, I found Louis Bucciarelli's Designing Engineers a very useful
book. I wrote a short paper for the Participatory Design Conference in '96
using some of his ideas which I am glad to send you or anyone interested.
Please let me know if you can receive papers electronically.


Susan Leigh Star
Graduate School of Library and Information Science
University of Illinois 123 LIS Building
501 East Daniel St.
Champaign, IL 61820 Phone: (217) 244-3280
FAX: (217) 244-3302 email: s-star1 who-is-at

"The point of a pencil is its raison d'etre; all else is infrastructure."
--Henry Petroski, The Pencil: A History of Design and Circumstance, p. 196