a new website

Jay Lemke (jllbc who-is-at cunyvm.cuny.edu)
Tue, 10 Feb 1998 22:07:14 -0500

I'd like to invite participants on the list to have a "preview" look at a
new website I have been designing.

It is still quite modest, though ultimately ambitious, and now very much
under development. There are as yet no graphics images, but they will come

The "Researcher's Corner" is an attempt to provide very brief but helpful
guidance to people interested in learning about discourse analysis, social
semiotics, cultural dynamics, and a range of related issues in my own
research. It is meant as a personal tour, representing my own perspective
and judgments, and includes initial lists of key theories, theorists,
texts, and research topics I consider worth pursuing. It's a bit light on
AT, but should be useful as an introduction to many complementary
perspectives. It is also in part geared to the needs of new researchers and
advanced students. I would be grateful for comments and suggestions,
especially from graduate students, and certainly from all.

Some of my own recent work is available on the site, and links to a few
other items archived on other sites. I am planning to put up more,
including the newest things I am working on. The Search Engine does not
work yet because the university server is not properly configured for it,
so just explore!

I am hoping in the near future to begin writing and publishing on this
website in the hypertext medium, both because I am studying its semiotic
possibilities, and because I seem to think in hypertext anyway ...

Please visit and send comments to me (off-list, normally) by email ...



