Self description Rosa Graciela Montes
Graciela Montes Rosa (rmontes who-is-at
Thu, 5 Feb 1998 18:35:15 -0800 (PST)
My name is Rosa Graciela Montes. I work in the language sciences
graduate program at the University of Puebla in Mexico. My background is
in sociolinguistics with special emphasis on pragmatics and language use
in various social settings and children's development of pragmatic
competence. Authors who've been influential in my work include Dell
Hymes, Roger Shuy, ethnomethodologists especially those working on
conversational analysis, Vygotsky, Mike Cole, Jerome Bruner, Catherine Snow,
Clifford Geertz, Dan Sperber ....
Currently I am working on child-adult interactions in various settings
and particularly on miscommunication and problem-solving sequences.
Mail address:
Rosa Graciela Montes
Apdo. Postal 1356
72001 Puebla, PUE
E-mail: rmontes who-is-at
rmontes who-is-at