Re: Gustavo Prado <goose who-is-at>

Ricardo Ottoni Vaz Japiassu (rjapias who-is-at
Wed, 04 Feb 1998 08:44:31 -0300

Hi Gustavo,

I read your message in XMCA.
Are you from Brasil?

Gustavo Prado wrote:
> i am a doctoral student in special education at uc sta. barbara.
> i am interested in the high risk social setting and manner in which the
> high risk setting contributes to social and or academic failure. i am
> specifically interested in families and the way in which the family
> setting prepares children to engage different social and academic settings.
> i also work as a case worker for child protective services in sta.
> barbara. my work places me in contact with sometimes extreme versions of
> the above population.
> thanks.