Canadian Psychological Association
Information Listserv
Jobs Jobs Jobs
(Please do not reply to this message. Questions and comments should be sent
to stuart who-is-at
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The following career openings are now advertised in the CPA web site:
Assistant Professor: University of New Brunswick=20
Full-time Clinical Psychologist: Children's Hospital of Eastern Ontario=20
Psychologist: Workplace Health, Safety and Compensation
Commission of New Brunswick=20
Psychologue: Commission de la sant=E9, de la s=E9curit=E9 et
de l'indemnisation des accidents au travail du Nouveau-Brunswick=20
Clinical Neuropsychologist: University of Manitoba=20
Clinical Psychologist: University of Manitoba=20
Psychologist Beacon Program=20
Clinical Position: Wilson Banwell=20
University of Victoria: Clinical Child, Child Development=20
BC Children's Hospital=20
Assistant Professor: Child Clinical Psychology=20
Assistant Professor: Social Psychology=20
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CPA is selective about its listserv mailings. We pledge to avoid sending
junk mail. Your e-mail address will NOT be sold or traded. However, if you
do want to unsubscribe from this list, please send e-mail to stuart who-is-at
Stuart Hickox
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CPA: Advancing Psychology for All=20
L'avancement de la psychologie pour la collectivit=E9
Stuart Hickox
Managing Editor
Canadian Psychological Association
151 Slater St., Suite 205
Ottawa, Ontario
K1P 5H3
stuart who-is-at
613 237-2144 X 25