RE: dissent e-community
Francoise Herrmann (fherrmann who-is-at
Wed, 14 Jan 1998 09:35:33 -0800 (PST)
Zdrasvyute Eugene, Yes I agree that in some cases the participants
on xmca feel more familiar than people that I also meet on a F2F
basis daily. But the issue seems to be the opposite, that some
people feel that e-communites do not exist or exist ambiguously
because there is no F2F diminsion readily availalble. As for the
F2F - e-communication distinction, that is much analyzed in the
literature, in my view as a first generation of analysis where the
phenemenon of e-communication is so new that to identify it the
comparison with more familiar forms of communicaiton is made
usually also with writing on an oralcy-litercy contimuum. Now that
e-communicaiton is far more prevalent (booming may be an accurate
descriptor) I think that the analyses tend to focus on
e-communicaiton as already exisiting in its own right opening up
description of what is done and accomplished in the ominous world
of the WWW and the internet.
-with less comparison.
Francoise Francoise Herrmann fherrmann who-is-at