Which raises the issue, should not they join XMCA instead?
If so, we may need an info sheet on the membership form on how to subscribe
to XMCA, access the Web page and possibly get a subscription to the MCA
journal at 10% etc etc etc. for Spring.
Also, what is the scoop on the C-H pre or post (workshop)session that was
mentioned earlier? Is that still on?
thoughful am in the grey Ohio valley,
ps. Judy , 1. do sponsored grad students count for AERA? Do they have to
be AERA members first?
2. Could we ask our XMCA/AERA/C-H faithful to simply recruit 1-2 (already
AERA members) into the C-H SIG next spring for starters in San Diego or
before? For example, recruiting of paying SIG fees for colleagues who are
going to AERA from our departments or Schools at home etc.. would multiply
the spaces next year and provide more of a forum for XMCA-based chats.
3, My guess is that many on this year's C-H program are neither CH members
nor XMCAers but there may be little we can do about that lest we engage in
dubious pressuring..
At 02:19 PM 1/9/98 -0500, you wrote:
>Hello, XMCA-ers. An addendum to my last cryptic note:
>A membership form for the Cultural-Historical SIG of the
>AERA is now available again at the MCA website under
>"related sites." If you are a member of the AERA but
>have not yet joined this SIG, please do so. It's cheap.
>It allows us to expand the AERA fora for the kind of research
>and theory that XMCA-ers do and care about. And if you
>spend an additional $2.00, you can sponsor a graduate student
>as a first-time member of the SIG. Every member counts towards
>additional time slots for CH-SIG-sponsored presentations.
>Judith Diamondstone (732) 932-7496 Ext. 352
>Graduate School of Education
>Rutgers, the State University of New Jersey
>10 Seminary Place
>New Brunswick, NJ 08901-1183
P. R. Portes
Educational & Counseling
Psychology Dept. 310
University of Louisville
KY 40292
Fax- 502-852-0629
Of. Tel. 502-852-0630