Re: teachers' memories
diane celia hodges (dchodges who-is-at
Tue, 28 Oct 1997 18:33:59 -0800
>At 7:51 PM 10/28/97, Valued Customer wrote:
>>Thanks for the perspective. However, I did not intend to generalize to
>>all teachers. Teachers sometimes have a very difficult, but nonetheless
>>important, job at hand. I hope my comment did not offend anyone.
>> Allison Boroda
>certainly not me!! good grief!! Your comment triggered my neuron-relations
>back to Walkerdine, and her quote, which says as much as you did, why
>don't more teachers invest more
>time remembering what it was like to be a student?
>teachers have an impossible job. I think that's coming through, with the
>other anecdotal pieces being posted on this subject.
>Schools are an impossible event where people are forced to attempt the
>impossible under impossible conditions. All the niggling and tinkering
>with curriculum and architecture (oops! no offense hey?) don't really address
>the underlying issue - institutions *suck* because they are built on
>foundations of utter imperialist tyranny. I honestly think most folks
>think they
>do the best they can, but, as Hiedeggar would say,
>"Vat iss callt zinking?" ...anyway....
>diane, yoiks. gotta start monitoring my caffeine intake. :-)
>>diane celia hodges wrote:
>>> "...[I]f we are the understand what is happening... we need to stand back,
>>> not trust the obviousness of the taken-for-granted and yet remember to look
>>> at what it means to be a teacher, a pupil, a parent, a child. We look at
>>> ourselves. We have tools. The great and injurious act of forgetting which
>>> happens in institutions of teacher education means that students come,
>>> teachers come, as I once came, and forget, obliterate, imagine they know
>>> nothing. The insertion of the new practice of psychology, or any of the
>>> other disciplines, uses that forgetting. Nevertheless, it also tells us
>>> what it is like to be a pupil again. And we can use that knowledge too.
>>> But, of course, that is to explode the boundaries between theory and
>>> practice."
>>> (Valerie Walkerdine, 1991, _School Girl Fictions_; p. 17)
>>> diane, using a quote to speak for me, once again. :-)
>>> At 11:38 PM 10/27/97, Valued Customer wrote:
>>> >I'm not suprised! Many of the secondary school teachers in Lubbock
>>> >Texas are graduates of Texas Tech University, yet my colleague showed me
>>> >a flier printed by a fourth grade teacher which nearly drove me mad.
>>> >The grammar was so poor that it took me three readings and a red pen to
>>> >understand the first sentence! I laughed, but what else could I do? Who
>>> >will stand up and admit that this teacher was once a student of
>>> >his/hers?
>>> >
>>> >
>>> >Allison Boroda
>>> >Department of Human Development & Family Studies
>>> >Texas Tech University
>>> >home e-mail: sense who-is-at
>>> >Tech e-mail: aboroda who-is-at
>>> >phone: (806) 762-8145
>>> >
>>> "Every tool is a weapon if you hold it right."
>>> Ani Difranco
>>> *********************************
>>> diane celia hodges
>>> faculty of education
>>> university of british columbia
>>> vancouver, bc canada
>>> tel: (604)-253-4807
>>> email: dchodges who-is-at
"Every tool is a weapon if you hold it right."
Ani Difranco
diane celia hodges
faculty of education
university of british columbia
vancouver, bc canada
tel: (604)-253-4807
email: dchodges who-is-at