Example: Operation: Use of the computer, monitor and drive
itemimized as: Checking the wiring---- Turning the machine
on------ Turning the monitor on-------- Identifying correct
disquettes-------------- Manipulating diskettes
correctly------------ Inserting diskettes--------------- Booting
program---------------- Changing diskettes
For each of the operation rate the action according the levels
described above. Remeber that operations are not sequential. and
that there are operation in-betweens such as: What is the goal?
Knowing what to do next? and Knowing how to get what you want
done? all of which can be rated according to levels of action.
Francoise Francoise Herrmann fherrmann who-is-at igc.org
PS. You can also use Mike's scheme with two independant observers
of a learner's activity in the form of field notes which are used
to measure progress of learning. The coding scheme was missing
from my set of papers and reports referring to it, but Mike is
here and I'd love to hear how the behind the scenes work is done.