Mary Combs <combs who-is-at U.Arizona.EDU>
Mary Combs (combs who-is-at U.Arizona.EDU)
Thu, 16 Oct 1997 14:59:41 -0700 (MST)
I am a recent graduate of the Department of Language, Reading and Culture
(University of Arizona), currently serving a one-year appointment as
adjunct professor in bilingual-bicultural education. My academic
specialities are language planning and policy, bilingual education policy
and law, especially with regard to language minority
populations/communities in the United States. I teach classes in
bilingual curriculum development, biliteracy development, multicultural
education, and foundations of education. My interest in the listserve
stems from a growing interest in the work of Lev Vygotsky and other social
theorists, and the potential application of that work to bilingual
education and biliteracy development. Researchers/authors whose work I
admire include Richard Ruiz, Nancy Hornberger, Rudy Troike, Virginia
Collier, Colin Baker, Jim Crawford, Joe LoBianco, Jim Tollefson, Ken and
Yetta Goodman, and Luis Moll (whose seminar on Vygotsky I am sitting in on
this semester).
Mary Carol Combs
Adjunct Assistant Professor
Department of Language, Reading and Culture
University of Arizona
Tucson, Arizona 85721