> I think that the issue of scaffolding and questions relating to this
> action as facilitating an act of revealing of whatever, reflect either:
> (a) a correct interpretation of Vygotsky and thus acceptance of the role
> of the senior as an expert and aceptance of the totalisating definition of
> an expert i.e. someone who knows the path (talking about push/pull)....
> (b) when moving from Vygotsky directly and toward the notion of struggle
> as a way of making sense out of the world, then a scaffolded pedagogic
> interaction ain't anything other than a struggle of the *novice* against
> the *expert* and then this has VERY little to do with the world outside
> classroom, unless, of course, only as far as one learns for future
> purposes i.e. that there is always an expert because the institution said
> so.
> ania lian
Ania -
I do not use conflict to mean an interpersonal struggle or even
oppositionality. I use it more in
the sense of an integration of contradictions, which is not always
"cognitive" or even conscious, necessarily.
Stephanie Urso Spina
City University of New York
sspina who-is-at email.gc.cuny.edu