I read dDiane's messagfee and thogught, trouble. HThe marks of her high
heels are visible on someone's neck. I read Stephanie'[ss poutraged
res[onsponse and thought, the inbververse of his low heeel"oh no" you have been forced into the antimpnionie!
Ifd yo you do not are not able to countenance tohe divesityrstiy inity in XMCA, and conflictual
discussion is certainly a normal mpart of such diversity, this is not a
probably e medium for your development. But I also thought, "dissing"
the other as a pre-sup-postionition conercerning the interlucuocutor is also
probably bad for your socio-psychological health.
I feverently hope that modern/postmodern strivings toward a more hy7u7umane
life do not die in this medi8umum through a lack of abi.iof its members, me included,
of course, konechno, i sc'est entuendu.