Re: Diversity Issues & Resistant Students

Eugene Matusov (ematusov who-is-at UDel.Edu)
Mon, 06 Oct 1997 18:39:39 -0400

Hello everybody--

Initially I wanted to thank all the people to whom I'm thankful for the
ongoing discussion but then I lost track. So, thanks to all.

I want to add my two serious and one less serious comments:

1) When somebody is systematically losing in competition and left behind
(e.g., in jobs, education, salary, choices, and so on) it is possible to
analyze what advantages other have and how they use it (e.g., being white,
male, middle aged, middle and upper class, physically strong, healthy,
educated) and how to make "disadvanteged" compensate these feature. Or,
alternatively, it is also possible to examine where changes of rules of
competition can make it fair or just redistribute who will be in failure.
Is the wording "fair competition" a contradiction in terms? Can be all
people above average? Do we necessarily need "averages," "standards,"
"certifications," "norms"? Can we live without them? Can we be only
regulated and related with each other through competition?

2) About teaching diversity. For me learning diversity is about learning
how to listen and love people whom I do not want to listen and love. To do
this learning I have to make an effort. I do not need to make an effort to
hate or silence people whom or whose ideas I do not like. I do it
"naturally." Someone can help we learn how to listen and love people whom
I don't like. I appreciate this guidance. If this somebody puts
systematic efforts in his or her guidance, I call it "teaching diversity."
I know that those who teach me diversity may not like something that I
think, do, or done but it won't be reason for them to turn their back to
me. I have trust in my teachers. Even my mistakes and sins are not turned
them away. Of course, people are people and everybody has his or her own
limits in dealing with diversity at least here and now. So somebody else
take care of me or somebody else take care of those whom I can't stand.

3) On less serious note, here is a prayer for a new assistant professor
(whom I became) that I develop.

Thanks God for getting me an academic job with salary that my family can
survive, for research and teach opportunities I dream (including
possibilities for future grants), for supportive colleagues and students,
for a local community for which I can be helpful and is interested in what
I'm interested, for a computer connected to the Internet, and for life that
above survival level.

God, please, help all people who didn't get my job. Please, help all those
who are looking for job where they can survive, learn, and pursue their
interests. Please, help, all those who are surviving. Please, give me
strength to help them and, please, keep me from harming them.


PS I hope I did not offend somebody's religious or anti-religious faith.
If i did, please, forgive me.
Eugene Matusov
Willard Hall Educational Bldg., Room 206G
Department of Educational Studies
University of Delaware
Newark, DE 19716-2920

Phone: (302) 831-1266
Fax: (302) 831-4445
e-mail: ematusov who-is-at