Penuel, W. and J.Wertsch (1995) Vygotsky and identity formation: A
sociocultural approach. (Requests for reprints should be addressed
to J.A.Wertsch Department of Psychology, Clark University, 950
Main Street, Worcester, MA 01610)
Dolto, F.( 1988) La cause des adolescents. Paris, France: Editions
R. Laffont. Le Livre de Poche #6911.
Erikson, E. (1968) Identity: youth and crisis. NY,NY: Norton.
-----(1980) Identity and the life cycle. NY, NY, Norton.
I have an extra copy of the Penuel and WErtsch article
and would be happy to mail it you.
Francoise Francoise HErrmann fherrmann who-is-at