Hasta Pronto,
>Mucho gusto, Melanie,
>We are living parallel lives! I too am
>> a person of color, teaching in a 99% white college community, trying to
>>sensitize my students to issues of diversity
>I teach in a small university in Pittsburgh. I too have not been sure what
>to do with the apparent frustration of the students. I had included in my
>course readings about:
>minority identity development
>Sue D.W. & Sue D. (1990). Racial/cultural identity development. In, D.W.
>Sue & D. Sue Counseling the culturally different: Theory and practice (pp.
>93-117). New York: John Wiley & Sons.
>Ogbu, J. (1991). Immigration and involuntary minorities in comparative
>perspective. In M. Gibson & J. Ogbu (Eds.) Minority status and schooling: A
>comparative study of immigrant and involuntary minorities (pp. 205-247).
>New York: Garland Publishing Inc.
>about racism and prejudice
>Dovidio, J. (1996). Recognizing the "new" racism: It's causes and
>consequences. In B. Abramms & G.F. Simons (Eds.) Cultural diversity
>sourcebook (pp. 424-431). Amherst, MA: ODT, Inc.
>Ponterotto, J.G. & Pedersen, P.B. (1993). Preventing prejudice. Newbury
>Park: Sage Publications.
>about multiculturalism in America
>Takaki, R. (1993). A different mirror. In R.Takaki (Ed.) A different
>mirror: A history of multicultural America (pp. 1-17). Boston: Little,
>Brown and Company.
>to name a few of the topics. I have noticed the same as you a
>>feeling tension that I could not put my finger on for a few weeks.
>and I took the same approach and got a similar response, I
>>opened class discussion up about issues they might have thus far and boy,
>>was the response huge and unfocused, but clearly full of disgruntled
>>students who articulated this message which we arrived at after the dust
>>settled. "I really don't care about language minority kids, so the
>>theories you are teaching us are irrelevant."
>I felt I was hearing that many students had personalized much of the
>information I felt compelled to include in the class. As one student put it,
>"you have to realize that we are probably the first generation that has been
>bombarded since preschool about mc this and mc that. We all have been
>brainwashed to be colorblind. Enough is enough!". Another added, "I don't
>need to be reading articles that tell me I should be ashamed of being
>White". I can't offer you any suggestions as I am scrambling for my own.
>I'd be interested in knowing how this plays out for you ... I have 10 more
>weeks of this course and it promises to be an interesting ride.
>Jaime Munoz
>Jaime Munoz
>munoz who-is-at duq3.cc.duq.edu
>Jaime Phillip Munoz, MS, OTR
>Department of Occupational Therapy
>Rangos School of Health Sciences
>Duquesne University
>227 Health Sciences Building
>Pittsburgh, PA 15101
>w (412) 396-5950 h (412) 492-9549
>fax: (412) 396-4343
>e-mail: munoz who-is-at duq3.cc.duq.edu
Melanie S. Miran Hahn School of Education
E-mail Address: melhahn who-is-at earthlink.net Dominican College of San Rafael
San Rafael, California 94901-8008
"Movement is what creates life. Stillness is what creates love. To be
still and still moving--this is everything."
Do Hyun Choe