Re: pushpull/collusions of privilege

Russ Hunt (HUNT who-is-at
Thu, 2 Oct 1997 19:12:56 AST

Hobbyhorse time . . .

diane says, after noting that "the discussion of push/pull [is]
dichotomous and so lacking a necessary tension," that

> What I am getting to here, in ways of parallels, and in an other
> way of responding to Jay & Mike, is the notion/activity of
> "interaction"...
> It seems to me that for interaction to truly be a growth-
> potentiating activity, there must be an element of manipulation,
> more than push/pull, there must be a viable change which occurs
> from the interaction - thus, for example, textbooks, whatever form
> they take, resist these kinds of transformative manipulations
> because even if students were invited to re-write the textbook
> themselves, the textbook is still foregrounded with an
> authoritative primacy;
> the push/pull metaphor, then, seems to foreclose space for change
> through interaction, where participation actually invents
> alternatives.

What we need here is Dewey and Bentley's concept of "transaction."

-- Russ
Russell A. Hunt __|~_)_ __)_|~_ Aquinas Chair
St. Thomas University )_ __)_|_)__ __) PHONE: (506) 452-0424
Fredericton, New Brunswick | )____) | FAX: (506) 450-9615
E3B 5G3 CANADA ___|____|____|____/ hunt who-is-at
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