books for review

Phil Agre (pagre who-is-at
Wed, 17 Sep 1997 17:58:40 -0700 (PDT)

Dear XMCA Friends,

I have enclosed the latest list of books for review at Mind, Cognition,
and Activity. Once again we've been working hard to expand our selection
of books, and we know you'll find something exciting to review for the
journal. If you would like to review one of these books, please send
a message to Peggy Bengel <pbengel who-is-at>. Give her the name
of the book, your mailing address, and a realistic deadline date (like
January 1st).

For those who haven't reviewed a book before, the deal is simple: if you
promise to write a review and nobody else has spoken for it first then
we send you the book and you get to keep it. Book reviews are reviewed
by the journal editors and are sometimes refereed, but not as formally as
journal articles. Many are published as submitted, but many go through
a round of revision and a few are rejected. Although most book reviews
are written by senior scholars, I also recommend that advanced graduate
students write book reviews since it is a relatively easy way to become
accustomed to writing for publication and seeing your words in print.
Some reviews are little more than summaries, but like most journals we
prefer a more analytical discussion of the strengths and weaknesses of the
book. We are happy to read unfinished drafts of reviews, or to discuss
the process informally by e-mail with those who haven't done it before.
A good length is 1500 to 2000 words, but we are open to longer reviews if
you have something more elaborate to say (maybe check in with us first),
and to shorter reviews when appropriate.

Thanks very much

Phil Agre


Mind, Cognition, and Activity
Books Received
September 1997

Agre, Philip
Computation and human experience
Cambridge University Press.

Bloom, Paul, Peterson, Mary A., Nadel, Lynn & Garrett, Merrill F.
Language and Space

Cairns, Robert B., Elder, G. H., & Costello, E.J.
Developmental science
Cambridge University Press

Carton, Evan & Friedman Alan W.
Situating college English. Lessons from an American University
Bergin & Garvey

Collis, B.A., Knezek, G.A., Lai, K.W., Miyashita, K. T., Pelgrum, W.J., Plomp, T. & Sakamoto, T.
Children and computers in school
Lawrence Erlbaum

Csikszentmihalyi, M., Rathunde, K., Whalen, S.
Talented teenagers. The roots of success and failure
Cambridge University Press

Elhammoumi, Mohamed
Socio-historicocultural psychology - Lev Vygotsky Bibliographical Notes
University Press of America

Farr, R.
The roots of modern social psychology

Fauconnier, Gilles
Mappings in thought and language
Cambridge University Press

Finders, Margaret J.
Just girls. Hidden literacies and life in junior high
Teachers College Press

Goleman, Judith
Working theory. Critical composition studies for students and teachers
Bergin & Garvey

Graumann, C.F., & Gergen, K.J.
Historical dimensions of psychological discourse
Cambridge University Press.

Gumperz, John J., & Levinson, Stephen C.
Rethinking linguistic relativity
Cambridge University Press

Gudyjunst, W., S. Ting-Toomey, & T. Nishida
Communication in personal relationships across cultures

Haggerty, Robert J., Sherrod, Lonnie R., Garmezy, Norman, & Rutter, Michael
Stress, Risk, and Resilience in Children and Adolescents
Cambridge University Press

Haugeland, John (Ed.)
Mind Design II. Philosophy, psychology, artificial intelligence
MIT Press

Henry, C.J.K., & Ulijaszek, S. J.
Long-term Consequences of Early Environment
Cambridge University Press

Hirschhorn, Larry
Reworking authority: Leading and following in the post-modern
MIT Press

Holyoak & Thagard
Mental Leaps: Analogy in creative thought
MIT Press

Hwang, C. Philip, Lamb, Michael E., & Sigel, Irving E.
Images of childhood
Lawrence Erlbaum

Jessor, Richard, Colby, Anne, & Shweder, Richard, (Eds.)
Ethnography and human development. Context and meaning
in social inquiry
University of Chicago Press

Jusczyk, Peter W.
The Discovery of Spoken Language
MIT Press

Keane, Webb
Signs of recognition. Powers and Hazards of Representation in an
Indonesian Society
University of California Press

Keller, C.H., & Keller, J.D.
Cognition and tool use. The blacksmith at work.
Cambridge University Press

Kirshner, D., & Whitson, James A.
Situated cognition. Social, semiotic, and psychological perspectives
Lawrence Erlbaum

Liston, Daniel P., & Zeichner, Kenneth M.
Culture and teaching
Lawrence Erlbaum

Marconi, Diego
Lexical competence.
MIT Press

Marshall, James D., Smagorinsky, Peter, & Smith, Michael W.
The language of interpretation: Patterns of discourse in
discussions of literature
NCTE report #27

Marshall, Sandra P. Schemas in problem solving. 1995.
Cambridge University Press

McCord, J. (Ed.)
Coercion and Punishment in Long-term Perspectives.
Cambridge University Press

Mio, Jeffrey S., & Katz, Albert N.
Metaphor. Implications and applications
Lawrence Erlbaum

Nye, J., & Brower, A.M.
What's social about social cognition?
Research on socially shared cognition in small groups

Olson, David R., & Torrance, Nancy
Modes of thought. Explorations in culture and cognition
Cambridge University Press

Pandey, J., D. Sinha, & D. P.S. Bhawuk (Eds.)
Asian contributions to cross-cultural psychology

Pollio, Howard R., Henley, Tracey B., & Thompson, Craig J.
The phenomenology of everyday life
Cambridge University Press

Reagan, Timothy
Non-Western educational traditions
Alternative approaches to educational thought and practice
Lawrence Erlbaum

Schlesinger, Izchak M
Cognitive space and linguistic case
Cambridge University Press

Spears, R., Oakes, P. J., Ellemers, N. & Haslam, A.
The social psychology of stereotyping and group life

Sternberg, R.J., & Grigorenko, E. (Eds.)
Intelligence, heredity, and environment
Cambridge University Press

Toolan, Michael
Total Speech. An Integrational Linguistic Approach to Language

Tudge, J., Shanahan, M.J., & Valsiner, J.
Comparisons in Human Development

Vernon-Fegans, L.
Children's talk in communities and classrooms

Wade, Nicholas
Psychologists in Word and Image
MIT Press

Wootton, A.J.
Interaction and the development of mind
Cambridge University Press
