Diana, Mary, Mary Magdalen

Eva Ekeblad (eva.ekeblad who-is-at ped.gu.se)
Mon, 1 Sep 1997 12:22:55 +0200

At 02.19 -0700 97-09-01, Douglas Williams wrote:
>secular reconstructions of
>the suffering Madonna, people recreated into a transnational mediating
>symbol: "our lady", with all the associated maternal projections; the woma=
>whose own care is frustrated by the brutal, and implicitly paternal, evil o=
>our world. Diana was a dionysian creation/projection through which the
>world discovers its own compassion and suffering.

Our Lady
of the Closing Millennium

Woman: Whore and Madonna.

Goddess of Hunt
Hounded to Death in a Tunnel
(not on a Hill)
Crucified on a Pillar of the Concrete.

Who are we
to produce this Sign?
