E. N. Goody (1995) *Social Intelligence and Interaction: Expressions and
Implications of the social bias in human
intelligence*. This book provides evidence that the "interactionist" view
of de facto human societal (and cultural) intelligence will likely live on
indefinately. However, together with the older text [W. Doise & G. Mugny
(1984) *The Social Development of the Intellect* Oxford: Wheaton&Co.] the
lower and upper limits of SOCIAL intellect are mapped out quite nicely.
The latter text take a larger (two child) unit of analysis and provides
experimental evidence with regard to what Activity Theorists might call
*joint actions* juring *cooperative* game situations. Unfortunately,
niether text deals specifically with the other important Vygotskian/Lurian
methodological issue: The need for any adequate account of SOCIETAL
intelligence to include the distinctly human forms of
*joint activity* the means of *appropriation* of societal tools
(mental and otherwise) toward the fulfillment of shared (historically
contextual) motives (rather than simply
immediate goals).
For a *taste* of what is meant by the latter terminological distinctions
V. Golod & J. Knox (Eds). of Vygotsky & Luria (1930/1993). *Studies on the
History of Behavior: Ape, primitive, and child. Hillsdale: LEA.
P.S. If anyone has more references along these lines please do include me
on your mailing tree. I am also currently struggling with the
around individual, social, societal, and cultrually contextual
Paul F. Ballantyne
Dept. of Psychology
York University
4700 Keele Street
North York, Ontario
e-mail: pballan who-is-at yorku.ca