I just want to add my 20 cents to a discussion about designing xmca web. I'm
currently designing several instructional webs (see
http://www.ematusov.com). There is a possibility to make a web that is
protected by a password known by all members of the xmca community so
general public can not see the discussion and can't take texts out of
contexts. Also it is possible that our messages can be automatically posted
on the web (no need to have a person who does this manually -- this seems to
me what is going on now). It is also possible to design a web in such a way
that people can post their papers by themselves without any help of the web
Let me know if you have further questions.
Eugene Matusov
At 05:39 PM 9/25/96 -0700, Pim Techamuanvivit wrote:
>Hello All,
>Mike and I had a discussion about our MCA webpage and here's what we
>propose to do. About the archive for the e-mail discussion, we are open
>for comments on whether we should make our group discussion available to
>all on the web. There was some talk a long while ago concerning people
>who are not part of our group having access to our group discussion, and
>taking them out of context, for example. I think it's a good idea to
>have the floor open for discussion on this issue. Please feel free to
>let us know how you think. A few people have expresses a desire to have
>an archive of our discussion for future reference. I think the web is a
>good resource for that, however, if we really want to keep our
>discussions only to people who have joined the group, we might think
>about keeping that area of our webpage restricted, for example.
>Also, we are going to include in our webpage papers fro discussion. To
>begin with, we're going to post papers presented at the recent conference
>by Mike and Yrjo. I will let you all know as soon as we have them
>ready. We are also welcome your contributions. If you have a paper that
>might be of our interest, please let me know and I will talk to you about
>the formats we want etc.
>I will keep you posted on any progress.
>ptechamu who-is-at weber.ucsd.edu
Eugene Matusov
Psychology Department
University of California
Santa Cruz, CA 95064
office (408) 459-5180
fax (415) 233-9263
e-mail: ematusov who-is-at cats.ucsc.edu