Re: Does anyone know...?

Alfred Lang (lang who-is-at
Mon, 2 Sep 1996 09:03:14 +0100

Dear Ana, Boris and others,

as important and instructive it is to learn and understand more about the
direct contacts between Lewin and Vygotsky, my mentioning of Bluma
Zeigarnik was motivated by the idea that she, as one of the major students
of Lewin's of the Berlin years, who has been living and working with
Vygotsky and and his group and followers for years and even decades, should
have had some bridge function beyond the personal. And it would be most
interesting to understand some of the dialogical developtments between the
two approaches that have so much in common but also a number obvious
distinctions. I do not know any of Zeigarnik's later publications except
that interview which I read years ago and have to dig out. What did she
research, what did she teach? Did she remain more Lewinian in her thinking
or make a turn? Did she embrace the cultural aspects of Vygotskyan thought
more than in the implicit way it had been present in Lewin's theory? Would
anyone be in a positin to find a student doing a comparative dissertation
on the Lewin-Vygotsky theoretical and empirical perspectives? In such an
undertaking, Zeigarnik would certainly be an important subect.

Best regards, Alfred

Alfred Lang ---------------------------- Internet: lang who-is-at
Psychology, Univ. of Bern, Unitobler, Muesmattstr. 45, CH-3000 Bern 9
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