I am a developmental psychologist with special interet// interests in
the history of developmental psychology. I've written and published some
on J.M. Blad/// J.M. Baldwin, the child study movmement in the U.S., the
history of childcare in the U.S., the influence of the Rockefeller
Foundation on the history of child develoment research, etc.
But I am most interested perhaps (though not published) in the ways
in which older questions about children -- their welfare, their
rearing, their competencies , -- and in general how we define the Good in
childsren and children's lives through psychology. In short, how
did the "sci// *scientiric/// &// (sorry, my fingers are not working).
In short, how did secular, *scientific* psychology become a source of
values about children and families? And where is the influence of traditional
religious values in this transformation.
Emily Cahan