[1]RE>Husserl - on Solaris

Geoffrey Williams (geoffrey.williams who-is-at english.su.edu.au)
29 Jul 1996 15:51:27 +1000

[1]RE>Husserl - on Solaris and otherwise 29/7/96

Geoff Williams is on study leave overseas. Your message will be forwarded
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Date: 27/6/96 2:47 PM
To: Geoffrey Williams
From: xmca who-is-at weber.ucsd.edu

Piotr wrote:

>In Bulgakov's novel "Master and Margarita" Pilate asks a detainee:
>"Why do you talk of truth, you hobo? What do you know of it? Well -
>what is truth?" and gets the answer "The truth is that you right now
>have a headache".
>Truth is then, that somebody's (an-other human's - or maybe not only
>human's?) pain is there, for me. The clincher would be that _somebody's_
> becomes _my_ headache, and not as a given, to be analyzed, but as a
>task, to be remedied. This is the "practical conatus", something which makes
>people run, because they cannot stand other people suffering.
>This "practical conatus", I would say, determines how an ontological game
>(a "practice" - like science, in this case) is going to be played.

He also wrote:

>It may be because I have been educated to proceed from axiomatized
>principles and to let a scrupulous description take precedent over
an intuitive sketch, >no matter how captivating. I do read and try to
appropriate Gadamer and
>Ricoeur and (not least!) Levinas, but I recognize them all as
>phenomenologists starting from a common "axiomatic system".


I would have thought that the use of a "practical conatus"
would depend pretty heavily on intuitive sketches. Can
you say more about your own position?

>4. Now, I do not subscribe to the list in order to teach
>phenomenology to you. On the contrary, I want to learn CHAT/ /AT and
>other such things from you.

How about some dialogue?

- Judy

Judy Diamondstone diamonju who-is-at rci.rutgers.edu
Graduate School of Education Rutgers, the State University of New Jersey
10 Seminary Place New Brunswick, NJ 08903

Eternity is in love with the productions of time - Wm. Blake

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From: Judy Diamondstone <diamonju who-is-at rci.rutgers.edu>
Subject: Re: Husserl - on Solaris and otherwise
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