Geoff Williams is on study leave overseas. Your message will be forwarded
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Date: 9/6/96 6:14 AM
To: Geoffrey Williams
From: xmca who-is-at
Mike's challenge to address gender is well-taken. I'm afraid I
haven't read the article in question, but I want to share a few
things nonetheless. Gender is one of the aspects of being human
that can separate one human from another, and it is always the
unconscious and hidden assumptions that sustain the gulf. It
behooves us to, at times, step into the gulf, and try to under-
stand as best we can, what the immediate experience of being the
other gender might be.
Since the image of 'gang rape' has coalesced (and alas separated
us) the discussion, it is my hope to help bring about healing and
understanding by sharing, with all of us on xmca but especially my
fellow males, the tiniest of senses as to what rape could be like.
In that vein, I post the lyrics of 'me and a gun' by tori amos.
My daughter Morgan loves the music of Tori Amos (who to me sounds
like she could be Joni Mitchell's daughter!). In her musical and
poetic genius, Tori took her own true experience of gang rape and
turned it into the following song. If you can get a copy of her
cd Little Earthquakes, it is 10,000 times more powerful as a
performance. she sings it a capella in a tune reminescent of
gregorian chant, but with a depth of desolate suffering that it
hard to endure emotionally.
gary shank
gshank who-is-at
Me and a Gun
Tori Amos (performed a capella on _Little Earthquakes_)
5am friday morning
thursday night far from sleep
I'm still up and driving
can't go home obviously
so I'll just change direction
cause they'll soon know where I live
and I wanna live
got a full tank and some chips
it was me and a gun
and a man on my back
and I sang "holy holy"
as he buttoned down his pants
Chorus: me and a gun and a man on my back
and I haven't seen Barbados so I must get out of this
yes I wore a slinky red thing
does this mean that I should spread
for you, your friends your father
Mr. Ed
and I know what this means
me and Jesus a few years back
used to hang
and he said
"it's your choice babe
just remember I don't think
you'll be back in 3 days time
so you choose well"
tell me what's right
is it my right
to be on my stomach
of Fred's Seville
and do you know Carolina
where the biscuits are soft
and sweet
thes things go through your head
when there's a man on your back
and you're pushed right on your stomach
and its not a classic cadillac
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Date: Sat, 08 Jun 96 14:10 CDT
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From: Gary Shank <P30GDS1 who-is-at MVS.CSO.NIU.EDU>
Subject: Gender, Healing, and Tori Amos
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