Re: xmca subscription problems

almavc (almavc who-is-at
Fri, 19 Jul 1996 10:37:50 -0600 (CST)

I am a mexican psychologist I studied at the UNAM, I have a Master=EFs
degree on research at the UNAM too, I intend to enter in the doctorate,
Iwant to write my project about reading comprehension with adults,=20
specially about university students and elementary school teachers.
I know the theory of Vigotsky since 1979. I am interested in=20
developmental psychology, clinical psychology but psychonalisis,poltical
matters, feminism and theoretical discussions about psychology.
I work at the University of Veracruz, teaching communnity psychology, I=20
also give workshops of sexuality at a place by the beach, with a=20
combination of work that femenist groups do and sexology .
Alma Vallejo Casarin=20

On Mon, 15 Jul 1996, Carnegie Corporation wrote:

> Hi! I am not sure what has been going wrong with your
> subscription attempts! If you want to send me your
> self-description, I will manually add you to the list
> Hope that is helpful! =20
> Sincerely,
> Cheryl Karp
> List Maintainer