Re: east/west / whole language

Judy Diamondstone (diamonju who-is-at
Thu, 30 May 1996 14:33:57 -0400

Can you say more about how the xmca discussion has presented
WL as a one-size-fits-all approach? I wasn't aware of it and
would appreciate any insights you have to offer past my
own blindsides.

- Judy

>I thoroughly agree that the enactment of policies is uniquely situated,
>which is why I've been bothered by the idea of whole language as a
>one-size-fits-all approach to teaching as discussed on xmca.

Judy Diamondstone
Graduate School of Education
Rutgers, the State University of New Jersey
10 Seminary Place
New Brunswick, NJ 08903

diamonju who-is-at